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NTG Training - Apprenticeships and Training

National Apprenticeships Week 2021: Meet the Apprentice – Ryan @ Financial Fortress

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Here we are again, sharing another fantastic interview with one of our apprentices! Today, we spoke to Ryan, a Digital Marketing Apprentice based at Financial Fortress. We’ve also had the honour of Financial Fortress’ MD, Wayne Musker answering a few questions for us about the apprenticeship experience!

Read on, this is an insightful one for both employers and those who aspire to become an apprentice…

Introduce yourself!

Ryan Hardwick, I am studying  Digital Marketing and I work for a financial advice practice called Financial Fortress

For what reasons did you decide to do an apprenticeship? 

I was not happy at my previous job and when Wayne offered me the opportunity I jumped at the chance. The apprenticeship helps develop my skills which benefits me and the business and was a prefect way to develop my lack of skills in the industry.  

What do you enjoy about your apprenticeship? What have you enjoyed learning? 

I enjoy learning on the job which is a lot more interesting to me as I am an active learner. I have enjoyed learning skills that will help me make progress in my job.

Would you recommend apprenticeships to others? How come? 

I would definitely recommend an apprenticeship to those who are thinking of one. It is a great way to learn new skills whilst applying them in your day job. It’s a great way to prepare yourself for the real world and is perfect for gaining experience.

Where do you hope your apprenticeship will take you in the future? 

My apprenticeship will take me on to better things by opening up more roles in my day job at Financial Fortress. I can see myself doing extra qualifications in the future to benefit both the company and myself.


We’re delighted Ryan has found his calling at Financial Fortress, for us they have been a fantastic employer to work with and have really engaged with Ryan’s apprenticeship. Next, MD Wayne Musker speaks to us about the benefits of apprenticeships:


Introduce yourself!  

Wayne Musker, Managing Director of Financial Fortress Ltd

Why did your company choose to take on an apprentice?  

We were looking to expand our marketing capability and believed that by using an Apprentice, we could shape them into our company, our philosophy and ways of doing things, rather than someone who wants to change everything!  We prefer control rather than outsourcing to 3rd party companies.

How has your apprentice benefited the company? 

It has allowed us to develop in-house capability for marketing much faster and with more confidence than using a 3rd party supplier.  We also have full control of our marketing capability and bringing a “youthful and keen” perspective to our plans.

What has surprised you about the apprenticeship programme? 

The ability to help keen individuals learn new skills whilst also providing much needed skills and input to the wider business.  Our Apprentice Ryan has been instrumental in developing our new web-site and social media strategies for example.  The Tutor has also been great in his support for the student and the wider company too!

Would your business consider taking on apprentices again in the future, if the need arose?  

Yes, we are already in the early stages of an Apprentice role for IT as well as further development of our existing Apprentice!


A big thank you to Ryan and Wayne who have so kindly shared their experiences today. If you’re interested in learning more about how to hire an apprentice, don’t forget to check out our guide. If you’re not yet sure if your business needs someone to manage digital strategy like Ryan does, why not download one of our free beginner’s guides for digital marketing?

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