Award Winning Training Providers for Businesses in England

NTG Training - Apprenticeships and Training

Grants and Funding Available for Businesses 2024

A complete list for UK businesses

Use our complete list to gain funding and grants to grow your business.

95 - 100% Funding For Apprenticeship Training

Suitable For: All businesses in England and Wales with less than £3million on payroll.

What’s Available: up to 100% funding for training via the apprenticeships scheme. Eligible for new starters or current staff members.

Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme

Suitable For: Businesses located in areas that have existing broadband capabilities of less than 100Mbps.

What’s Available: A £3,500 voucher to help cover the cost of installing gigabit broadband.

Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS)

Suitable For: Companies and social enterprises who:

  • Carry our a qualifying trade.
  • Are not currently registered on a stock exchange.
  • Are based in the UK.
  • Do not have gross assets over £200,000.
  • Do not have over 25 employees.

What’s Available: A maximum of £150,000 through SEIS investments.

Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS)

Suitable For: Existing UK businesses who are not currently registered on a stock exchange, with gross assets not worth more than £150m and up to 250 employees.

What’s Available: Up to £5m EIS investment in any given 12-month period.

UK Tradeshow Programme

Suitable For: Businesses who currently do not trade overseas, and wish to attend an overseas trade show to increase the potential for international markets.

What’s Available: Up to £4,000 to cover trade show costs.

Plug-In Grants for Vehicles

Suitable For: Businesses looking to purchase a low-emission vehicle through a vehicle dealership or manufacturer.

What’s Available: Up to a 35% grant towards the purchase price of the vehicle.

Research & Development Tax Reliefs

Suitable For: Companies working on innovative developments within the science and technology industries.

What’s Available:

  • A deduction of an extra 130% of qualifying R&D costs from yearly profit, as well as the normal 100% deduction, to make a total 230% deduction.
  • An additional tax credit if the company is loss making, worth up to 14.5% of the surrenderable loss.

Countryside Stewardship Grants

Suitable For: Businesses with involvement in rural planning, maintenance and conservation.

What’s Available: A wide variety of grants available for specific rural projects, as listed on the government website.

Woodland Creation Planning Grant

Suitable For: Businesses who own land in England that they wish to turn into woodland.

What’s Available: Up to £30,000 per woodland project.

UnLtd Social Enterprise Award

Suitable For: Social enterprises.

What’s Available: Up to £5,000 for start-ups and up to £15,000 for established businesses.

Architectural Heritage Fund

Suitable For: Charities and lower-tier government.

What’s Available: Grants towards the regeneration of historic buildings.

Heritage Enterprise

Suitable For: Community projects.

What’s Available: Up to £5,000,000 for the restoration of historic buildings and sites to put them to productive use.

Women in Engineering Grant

Suitable For: Women-led engineering businesses.

What’s Available: Up to £10,000.

Innovative Medicines Initiative

Suitable For: Medical businesses involved in the development of innovative new treatments.

What’s Available: Grants may be available in future, but currently are on hold.

Wrap Recycling Grants

Suitable For: Businesses seeking to increase their use of recycled materials, or their adoption of the recycling process.

What’s Available: Several prizes and grants are available.

Help To Grow - Digital Discounts

Suitable For: UK businesses registered with Companies House, with between 5 and 249 employees.

What’s Available: Up to 50% or £5,000 (excluding VAT) towards the cost of buying one approved software product in the Help to Grow: Digital scheme for 12 months.

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