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NTG Training - Apprenticeships and Training

How to recognise and train potential team leaders within your organisation

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Appointing team leaders within your business can alleviate some of the managerial burden from your shoulders, freeing you to concentrate on developing your business without having to deal with day-to-day staffing issues.

This article explains how you can recognise and train potential team leaders within your organisation to grow your team’s productivity and success.

They have passion for their job

Potential leaders are already living and breathing your organisation’s culture and know the systems, processes and organisational structure like the back of their hand. If you see an individual who appears to be invested in your company goals and has a real passion for their job, these are usually good signs of a potential team leader.

They’re quick at making decisions

Team leaders often need to make quick and smart decisions.  In fact, making decisions is what we all look for good leaders to do. They will need to understand when a decision can be made solely by them, or when they need to seek advice from their leader. They’ll also need to have a clear understanding of the organisation’s goals and individual project objectives so that they can make decisions based on the company’s overall goals and objectives.

They’re natural multi-taskers

If you think you’ve spotted a potential leader, give them some extra responsibility and see how well they can multi-task.   Most leaders and managers will be required to balance competing tasks and be able to handle multiple priorities so it’s important they can handle these before giving them any further managerial responsibility.

They display empathy

Being able to display empathy is an important part of leadership. It’s the skill of understanding and recognising others’ feelings and perspectives and is possibly one of the most important tools in a manager’s toolkit. Being empathetic gives your team leaders the ability to understand the emotions of your team members so that they can not only become an effective communicator and problem solver, but also to build the rapport, trust, and relationships – all of which are essential to team success.

They show a willingness to delegate

Delegation can be difficult to do for many people; mainly because they fear that no one can do the task as well as them. However, successful delegation can not only help expand the skills and knowledge of your team members, it can also free up the team leaders’ time to focus on higher level tasks.

Training for potential team leaders

If you are looking to train potential team leaders within your business, our Team Leader/Supervisor Apprenticeship Training is a cost-effective route to training.  They can continue to work within their existing role whilst doing the training, and we will work with you to ensure a training plan is tailored around your individual needs and schedule.


Find out more by contacting our training team.

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