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What Digital Marketing Tasks Should You Be Doing Monthly?

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If you’ve just finished reading our post ‘What Digital Marketing Tasks Should You Be Doing Daily?‘ you may now be wondering about the bigger picture, and how those tasks fit into a monthly strategy.

Luckily for you, we’ve got it covered. If you’re hoping for a handy reference sheet for all essential monthly digital marketing tasks for website success, you’ve found it.

Click the image below to save your personal copy, and scroll down for a breakdown of why these particular digital marketing tasks are important.

Don’t forget, if your digital marketing to-do list is mounting, we offer Digital Marketing Apprenticeship training, should you wish to take on an apprentice and increase your online business presence.

Social Media Monthly Checklist

Task Why It’s Important
Schedule posts for the upcoming month Scheduling your posts in advance means you can create posts that all work towards achieving a particular strategy. For example, if you sell clothing online, your theme this month may be to promote the new summer collection. In which case, your scheduled posts might include 5 x product features, tips for dressing for hot weather, styling ideas for holiday outfits, etc.
Check social media analytics Checking your analytics over the month can allow you to identify what worked, and what didn’t. This enables you to reassess your strategy dynamically so that it works in the most optimal way.
Create content inspired by best performing posts Your best performing posts are those that resonated with your target market the best, so be sure to include lots of posts along a similar vein in your upcoming schedule.
Refresh your profile and links Check you’re utilising the short paragraph available to you on your profile page – upsell the most important part of your campaign that month, and check your links lead to the appropriate landing pages for high conversions.
Attend events and capture content Attending events is a great way to gather interesting content and get inspired by upcoming trends. Get out of the office and film! Many brands fall into the trap of simply creating graphics for their social channels, but by attending events you’ll have access to plenty of appealing content.
Create photo and video content Get out into different departments, out at events, schedule in photoshoots, create photo competitions for your customers and do whatever it takes to fill up a bank of content for your brand. This will help you to create more interesting and visually appealing posts.
Check for upcoming important dates It’s important to respond to national holidays and awareness days that may affect your brand. It may be in relation to an important social awareness day that matters to your target market, or it may be a holiday like Christmas, where you need to promote appropriate products and services to take advantage of natural increases in sales.
Attend a social workshop, webinar or learn a new skill Social media is changing at a forever accelerating pace, so it’s essential that you keep up to date. Whenever an app update is released, be sure to check the update notes so that you can take advantage of any new features.
Assess your competitor’s best performing posts Check to see which of your competitors posts performed well, and which didn’t. It’s a great way to stay competitive and make sure you’re not missing out on opportunities.

Website Monthly Checklist

Task Why It’s Important
Review analytics and adjust strategy Your digital marketing strategy needs to be dynamic and open to change, because everything online changes at a rapid pace. Review your analytics to identify new opportunities or weaknesses that need to be addressed.
Create one ‘Big Content’ piece ‘Big Content’ is the term used to describe a content piece on your website that is generally over 10,000 words in length and feature rich. It’s designed to be evergreen (it won’t be dated quickly) and rank well on search by addressing a need in the market for that information. For example, you may publish an extended guide to a key topic, provide a free course on an essential skill or provide an extensive list of something that your customers regularly reserach.
Write and schedule in 4-5 blog posts Blog posts are essential for keeping your website active, which search engines love to see! It’s also an easy way to increase the amount of content on your website overall, so you can rank on search for topics relevant to your target market. Blogs should be over 1000 words in length and be written in a way which is engaging to the reader – don’t just churn out keyword-related content.
Review and revive poorly performing pages Are some of your pages and blog posts tailing off in popularity? Take a look at them and assess why. Does the content need a refresh? Do you need to redesign the layout to make it more user friendly?
A/B test key landing pages Key campaign landing pages should be A/B tested regularly – this involves showing one version of the page to on audience, and another version to another. You then compare the performance of the two versions. You’ll be surprised how small changes can affect your conversion rates monumentally.
Create any marketing campaign landing pages needed for your strategy Landing pages are your bread and butter! They are by far the most important pages on your website, so you should invest significant time in ensuring they work, look great and convert well. Create your landing pages far in advance so that they can be picked up by search engines before your campaign officially goes live.
Review any trending keywords and searches Take a look over websites such as Google Trends to see if there are any emerging searches in your industry that you should be taking advantage of. Create content, pages and blogs related to those searches to capitalise on the increased levels of interest.

Other Monthly Digital Marketing Tasks

Task Why it’s important
Review advert analytics and budget Even if your ads are performing well, only a naïve marketer would leave them be without tinkering! Review your advert analytics regularly to learn what performs well, and what doesn’t. You may need to refresh your ads with new content or visuals, or adjust your bidding strategy on certain locations, devices or demographics that are performing best.
Review your negative keywords lists on Google Ads Google Ads should be constantly maintained, it’s better if you can review your negative keywords on a weekly basis, but a monthly basis is better than nothing! Review the keywords to ensure that your ads aren’t showing for irrelevant terms. This will help you to optimise your spend and subsequently your ROI.
Attend industry events As we discussed earlier in this article, attending events is a great way to gather content, but it also allows you learn new techniques and be inspired by new trends. Events are also a great way to network and meet new people who you can follow online.
Review any upcoming digital marketing industry updates, such as algorithm changes As a digital marketer, you should be subscribed to a few sources of industry news so that you don’t fall behind with the latest techniques and best practice. A good example of why this is important is Google algorithm changes. Every now and then Google will release an update which slightly modifies how it’s search function works. The past few changes have meant that marketers need to be creating more video content to rank for some search terms. Staying up-to-date means you won’t be playing catch up when your marketing is affected by these changes.
Assess poorly performing areas of the business and build them into your strategy Economic and wider societal changes can mean certain areas of the business fall short from time to time, and this may affect your marketing strategy. A good marketer should always be working across departments and closely with those in the business who set the wider strategy to ensure marketing activities align well with the overall goals of the business.
Create and film a Youtube video Video is important, most social networks now even revolve primarily around video. The fact is, content-consumers love watching engaging videos even more than they enjoy photographic content. So set time aside in your schedule to work on your Youtube channel. Create videos that answer common queries within your field, or offer interesting behind-the-scenes content that humanises your brand.

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