NTG Training - Apprenticeships and Training

Award Winning Training Providers for Businesses in England

NTG Training - Apprenticeships and Training

Apprenticeships >> Level 3

Customer Service Level 3 Apprenticeship

The Customer Service Level 3 apprenticeship is for learners who work in customer facing roles, who are ready to take the next step in advancing their skills. 

Learners will study the customer journey, communication and how to become experts in their company’s products and services. 

Who is the Customer Service Level 3 Apprenticeship For?

The Customer Service Level 3 Apprenticeship training is for learners who have significant experience of working in a customer service role,
and who require a qualification that recognises the skills that they consistently demonstrate in their job role.

These skills could include resolving customer complaints, analysing customer feedback and managing a team’s performance.

What Does The Course Cover?

This training programme equips your employees with a high level of knowledge and a greater skill set to be able to provide outstanding levels of customer services. They will develop the technical knowledge, including the principles and practices of delivering customer service andunderstanding the different types of customers, their needs, wants and expectations.

Programme outline:

  • Develop the skills to be able to confidently analyse data and customer information to influence change andimprovements in service
  • Understand the complexities of the customer journey
  • Become experts in your organisation’s products and services
  • Learn how to share knowledge with colleagues for the benefit of the wider team and yourorganisation’s future success
  • Learn job-specific skills vital for peak business performance

Key Information Regarding This Apprenticeship

Course Cost

This qualification is government funded and falls under the Apprenticeship Levy Scheme. For non-levy paying organisations, it requires a 5% employer contribution.

Total cost of training is ÂŁ4,000. The employer is required to fund 5% of this equating to ÂŁ200.

Business that have less than 50 employees won’t pay anything if they employ apprentices under the age of 19, and will receive a £1000 incentive payment. This will be discussed during the initial engagement to determine eligibility.


  • BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Customer Service
  • Level 2 Functional Skills Maths*
  • Level 2 Functional Skills English*

*If required

Entry Requirements

Learners will need to meet the following requirements:

  • 16 years of age or older
  • Working in a customer facing role

Course Duration

This course will last 15 months and is delivered during normal working hours over 10 modules. Training can be flexible to meet the needs of your organisation. We use a blend of online, webinar and practical sessions, and the apprentice will receive regular 1-1 sessions and support from their tutor.

Learning Units

Knowing Your Customers

Covering knowledge in relation to knowing your customers, exploring areas such as the types of customers, their needs and priorities, managing their expectations and adapting your service approach.

Knowing Your Business

Covering knowledge in relation to understanding your organisation, exploring areas such as the purpose of the organisation, the brand promise, core values and culture, and policies and procedures.

Meeting Regulations and Legislation for Business

Covering knowledge in relation to meeting regulations and legislation, exploring areas such as legislation and regulatory requirements, codes of practice, ethical standards, your responsibilities and how to apply these in practice.

Systems and Resources

Covering knowledge in relation to the systems, equipment and technology used in your organisation and how you use them to meet the needs of your customers, exploring areas such as the measurement and evaluation tools available to monitor customer service levels.

Your Role and Responsibilities

Covering knowledge in relation to your role and responsibilities, exploring areas such as how your role and responsibilities in the organisation impact on others and the agreed targets and goals you need to achieve.

The Customer Experience

Covering knowledge in relation to your role creating a customer-focused experience, exploring areas such as how establishing the facts and building trust with customers will enable you to respond positively to customers’ needs and requirements.

Product and Service

Covering knowledge in relation to understanding the products or services that are offered by your organisation, exploring areas such as understanding the features and benefits of products or services, how you maintain and update your product or service knowledge and why this is important.

Interpersonal Skills

Covering the underpinning knowledge to meet the interpersonal skills required, exploring areas such as using a range of questioning techniques, listening and responding in a way that builds a rapport, determines customers’ needs and expectations and achieves a positive engagement and delivery.


Covering the underpinning knowledge to meet the communication skills required, exploring areas such as verbal and non-verbal reinforcement techniques during face-to-face and non-facing interactions, tone of voice in all communications and adapting your tone, attitude and behaviour to meet customers’ needs and expectations.

Influencing Skills

Covering the underpinning knowledge to meet the influencing skills required, exploring areas such as providing clear explanations and offering options to help customers make choices that are mutually beneficial to both the customer and your organisation.

Personal Organisation

The underpinning knowledge to meet the personal organisation skills required, exploring areas such as prioritising, planning and meeting deadlines, monitoring the progress of tasks, responding in a professional manner to challenges and changes and adjusting priorities accordingly.

Dealing with Customer Conflict and Challenges

Covering the underpinning knowledge to meet the skills required for dealing with customer conflict and challenges, exploring areas such as demonstrating patience and calmness, understanding customers’ points of view, signposting and resolution, maintaining informative communication during service recovery to meet customers needs and managing expectations.

Interested in Enrolling Your Team Onto This Course?

Our friendly advisors are here to answer all your questions. Simply fill in your details below and we’ll be in touch.

Benefits of This Course For Businesses

Retain More Customers

Did you know, a customer who has purchased from you before potentially has more long-term monetary value to the business than the acquisition of a new customer? That means it’s really important your staff are trained in customer retention, and can delight loyal clients. During this apprenticeship, learners will gain a unique understanding of persuasive techniques and listening skills to ensure they understand customer queries and problems, and can quickly resolve issues.

Reduce Wait Times

What’s the most frustrating thing about contacting a business? Waiting in the queue of course! Whether it’s a call queue or a standing queue, the longer a customer has to wait, the more likely they’ll become frustrated and be less easy to deal with. You want happy customers who can get answers and resolutions quickly, and with customer service training, yous staff can quickly get to the bottom of issues in order to resolve them efficiently.

Ensure Data Protection

Data protection is a confusing and often ambiguous piece of legislation to study. Your staff can become easily bewildered when it comes to what they can legally ask for from customers. Giving your staff training will help them to have a clear process when it comes to taking and storing customer information, greatly reducing the risk of customers who become upset at an apparent invasion of their privacy.

Reduce the Risk of Bad Reviews

In this digital age, it’s easy for an unhappy customer to place a mark on your online reputation. Whether they leave a review, place a comment on social media or even post a scathing video! With your staff trained in customer service, they’ll have an up to date knowledge of the best conflict resolution techniques. Your team will be able to quickly turn unhappy customers into loyal customers!

Our friendly apprenticeship advisors are just a phonecall away. Feel free to get in touch Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm for an informal chat about apprenticeships.

Drop us an email any time with any questions you might have regarding this course, we’ll be delighted to help.

Fill in our handy contact form and we’ll get in touch at a time that’s convenient for you.

Remote Learning Available

Where necessary, we can deliver remote learning due to lockdown restrictions. Find out how by clicking the button below.

Funding an Apprenticeship

Paying for apprenticeship learning is more affordable than you think. With government support funding up to 95% of the fees and incentive payments.

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