NTG Training - Apprenticeships and Training

Award Winning Training Providers for Businesses in England

NTG Training - Apprenticeships and Training

The top training challenges for L&D Directors and how to overcome them

challenges for L&D Directors

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Learning and Development Directors know the value of training and upskilling staff. The benefits brought to your business by equipped and motivated staff can be huge, but training staff can bring its own set of challenges.

Below we’ve laid out some of the top training challenges for L&D Directors and how to overcome them.

Taking time off for training

The challenge: Sending staff on training can mean significant time away from work. With your staff team depleted who will take care of the workload — especially if they’re away for large chunks of time?

The solution: Apprenticeship training programmes require 20% of the trainee’s time. This usually looks like one day a week for the duration of the course. The other days your staff member works in their role as usual, applying new skills and knowledge as they go. You get the benefit of better equipped staff with less upheaval.

Being ‘out of office’

The challenge: A lot of training happens at impractical locations around the UK — or even further afield — meaning even more time away, plus travel and accommodation expenses, and potentially additional strain on the rest of the team.

The solution:All of NTG’s apprenticeship training can take place in your workplace. We use a mixture of online courses, webinars and face-to-face meetings. Online work can be carried out wherever is convenient for you, and our tutors will travel to meet trainees for their one-to-ones.

Level of staff engagement

The challenge: Off-the-shelf training options can be hit and miss when it comes to staff engagement. Often the teaching could be pitched at the wrong level, or the information not particularly relevant to their role or your sector.

The solution:All of our training programmes are tailored to your needs, beginning with a conversation between the training provider, employer and employee. We’ll deliver fully accredited apprenticeship training, tailored to your business. Your employee will come away with industry-standard qualifications, and the skills to put them into use in your unique context.

Hard to measure effectiveness of training

The challenge: With some external training providers, and even with in-house training, it can be hard to know how effective the training has been in upskilling your team.

The solution: At NTG we offer 360-degree feedback, involving the tutor, learner, training provider and employer.


We’ve written elsewhere about apprenticeship training being much more affordable than you might think (with most businesses only needing to pay 5% of the course costs).

Are you a Learning and Development Director looking to upskill your team without the headaches? Speak to our team today to see how we can help.

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