NTG Training - Apprenticeships and Training

Award Winning Training Providers for Businesses in England

NTG Training - Apprenticeships and Training

Apprenticeships >> Level 6

Marketing Manager Apprenticeship

An advanced apprenticeship designed to equip future leaders with the required skills to plan high-level marketing strategy whilst also effectively managing a team.

We are able to deliver this course across England, and most businesses will be eligible for 95% funding towards the course from the Government.

Who Is This Apprenticeship Suitable For?

This apprenticeship is designed for those who already have experience within the marketing industry and who currently, or are about to, take on the management of a team.

This course deals with the planning elements of higher level strategy in marketing and portions of the course are dedicated to leadership, management and people skills.

How much will this course cost?

This course is government funded in the vast majority of cases. It costs £9,000 to deliver, but the vast majority of companies will be eligible to pay just 5% of the training fees at £450. You can learn more about funding on our website here.

How long does this course take to complete?

This is an 18-month apprenticeship.

The programme is delivered during normal working hours and training can be flexible to meet the needs of your organisation. We use a blend of online, webinar and practical sessions, and the apprentice will receive regular 1-1 sessions and support from their tutor.

What are the entry requirements?

Learners will need to meet the following requirements:

  • 16 years of age or older
  • Currently or about to take on a management position where they are responsible for a team.

What qualifications will be received upon successful completion of the course?

  • Marketing Manager Level 6 Apprenticeship Standard

Topics of Study within the Marketing Manager Apprenticeship

Principles such as the extended marketing mix (7 Ps), marketing management processes, product development and how to apply these to the business plan and objectives.

Brand development and safeguarding, brand perception within the market, value propositions and the delivery of elements such as pricing, packaging etc.

Consumer and organisational behaviour theories and concepts, including the B2B or B2C decision making process and it’s effect on marketing strategy.

Advanced stakeholder management and the application of customer relationship management (CRM) on an internal and external basis to facilitate the delivery of a marketing plan.

Marketing communication planning models and budgetary methodologies.

Understanding the organisation’s vision, mission, values, strategy, plans, stakeholders, customers and competitors in order to support the decision and planning process.

Understanding the wider perspective of marketing campaigns on a national and international campaign, including how external and internal factors may create opportunities and challenges, and how these can be addressed.

How to measure and deliver Return on Investment in relation to marketing activities and plans.

Relevant industry/sector specific legal, regulatory and compliance frameworks that affect marketing functions, such as data protection regulations.

Effective market research and evaluation techniques and methods and how to use the results to inform marketing planning and activities.

How to identify reliable information sources and use them to deliver measurable improvements to marketing activities, including how metrics are used to measure these.

How to research and adopt new and emerging themes in marketing, such as AI.

The principles of product and service design and implementation and portfolio management

The features and benefits of different marketing communications, and routes to market, and how to leverage these to maximum effect, including the use of appropriate digital channels and systems.

Interested in Enrolling Your Team Onto This Course?

Our friendly advisors are here to answer all your questions. Simply fill in your details below and we’ll be in touch.

Invest In Your Team

Employers: What are the Benefits of the Marketing Manager Apprenticeship?

Most employers only pay 5% of the total costs of an apprenticeship for new starters, and there are plenty of incentives for training with apprenticeships. Aside from the low costs associated with this form of staff training, there are numerous other benefits for businesses!

Streamline & Synchronise Your Marketing Activities

Bring all of the elements of your marketing team's skillset together - ensure social campaigns run seamlessly with new product launches, target your ad spend at key growth areas identified by your heads of department and discover new opportunities for collaboration across every level in your business.

Remove Inefficiencies From Your Marketing Budget

Use advanced analytics and strategic planning to assess the efficacy of your current marketing campaigns and quickly identify new opportunities before your competitors. Fuel decision making on spend with evidence from data.

Do More Of What Works, And Less Of What Doesn't

Monitor results from your marketing activities in real time and empower your marketing manager with the skills and confidence to make quick, informed and high-level decisions about how to spend your time, money and efforts for the greatest ROI.

Our friendly apprenticeship advisors are just a phonecall away. Feel free to get in touch Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm for an informal chat about apprenticeships.

Drop us an email any time with any questions you might have regarding this course, we’ll be delighted to help.

Fill in our handy contact form and we’ll get in touch at a time that’s convenient for you.

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