NTG Training - Apprenticeships and Training

Award Winning Training Providers for Businesses in England

NTG Training - Apprenticeships and Training

Take The First Step - Start Your Career

Become an Apprentice

Apprenticeships are the best way to begin your career and earn as you learn. If you’re looking to gain qualifications without debt, they’re an excellent path to take.

We work with an extensive range of employers across the North West and the Midlands who offer apprenticeship training schemes for anyone who would like to start a fresh career.

You can start an apprenticeship at any age, so read on to discover more.

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Apprenticeship Job Vacancies

Work For Your Dream Company

We are sorry, unfortunately we are not currently hiring apprentices.

The employers we work with advertise their own apprenticeship vacancies through Indeed and the government apprenticeships portal. We do not deal directly with those who wish to become an apprentice.

What is an Apprenticeship?

Get Straight Into Your Next Career

Apprenticeships involve getting stuck in to a real career, giving you a genuine experience of what it's like to work in that industry. You'll earn a wage, and have a contract too.

Study For A Qualification

You'll split your time on your apprenticeship, working with your expert tutor to complete a nationally-recognised qualification, and working with your managers and mentors to apply your new skills to the workplace!

All The Employee Perks

Studying at university, you may need to get a job outside of study hours to subsidise your learning. But with an apprenticeship, you get paid a salary.

Just like your new colleagues, you'll have paid-time-off, a pension, sick pay, a salary and lots of other perks.

A Launchpad To Your Dream Job

After you've completed the 12-18 month long apprenticeship, you'll very likely be asked to stay on at your role.

In the vast majority of cases, this usually leads to a pay rise, or perhaps even a promotion. It's the quickest way to jumpstart your career!

Earn As You Learn

An apprenticeship is a government-led higher education scheme open to anyone over the age of 16. It enables you to gain a qualification, ranging from a Level 2 to a Level 4 in one of over 800 apprenticeship courses. 

You will study while also working for an employer, gaining experience and mentorship.

Learn More About our North West Apprenticeship Vacancies

Contact us today on 01244 678100

or email [email protected]

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