NTG Training - Apprenticeships and Training

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NTG Training - Apprenticeships and Training

A Day in the Life of a Digital Marketing Apprentice

day in the life of a digital marketing apprentice
Ross is working as a Digital Marketing Apprentice at All Car Leasing. He is currently taking the Digital Marketing Apprenticeship Level 3 qualification.  

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Ross Wild digital marketingRoss is working as a Digital Marketing Apprentice at All Car Leasing. He is currently taking the Digital Marketing Apprenticeship Level 3 qualification.

We caught up with him to ask a few questions about his apprenticeship.

  1. Why did you choose to do an apprenticeship?

I decided to cancel my place at university as I was unsure on what I really wanted to do and wanted to start earning money whilst picking up a variety of different skills. By doing an apprenticeship, I knew it would boost my confidence, give me a wide range of invaluable skills and give me a real hands on experience within the automotive industry that a degree wouldn’t offer me.

  1. What does your job involve?

Content marketing, Search engine optimisation, ad-creation, social media marketing and photoshop usage as well as analysing data.

  1. What is a typical day like in your role?

Very enjoyable, I write content regularly, engage with customers over social media, and help to implement SEO campaigns.

  1. How do you fit the apprenticeship training around your day to day responsibilities?

I designate two hours of my day to my apprenticeship activities, usually the last two hours of the day, but my manager is flexible with as and when I need to crack on with apprenticeship work.

  1. What modules have you enjoyed the most so far in the training?

Benefits of content marketing and SEO.

  1. What would you say to someone considering an apprenticeship in digital marketing?

Go for it! I was unsure on what was the best route for me and the fact that so many people go to university for marketing degrees steers many away from apprenticeships, but it was the right option for me personally because of the way that I learn. At first, I didn’t know exactly what digital marketing involves, but I knew I wanted to do some form of marketing, but it turns out that I find digital interesting.

  1. What are your plans after you complete the apprenticeship?

 I want to carry on working for All Car Leasing, and potentially go on to do an open university course in my spare time for extra weight to my CV.

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