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Why You Should Be Investing in Staff Training

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One of the most important things you can do as an entrepreneur is to invest in your staff’s training. You need to make sure that your employees are set up for success, so they’re able to properly represent your company and get the job done at the highest possible level of quality. However, it’s often hard to find the money in your budget to pay for outside training courses and seminars, which can end up costing you a lot more than you might expect over time.

Fortunately there’s a solution, and it might not be what you’re expecting…

It’s apprenticeships!

Ok, so you thought apprenticeships were just for new starters. For 16 year olds who want to learn a trade? Oops. Think again.

Apprenticeships are the most cost-effective way to complete staff training for your current employees. That’s because they’re funded 95% to 100% by the government in most cases.

So now we’ve dropped that bombshell, let’s take a look in more detail about why you should be investing in staff training, and how you can get started with the apprenticeships scheme.


Invest In Your Team

Hiring great people is a sure-fire way to ensure your business is successful. However, don’t underestimate how important it is to invest in your team. Investing in staff training can reap big rewards in terms of efficiency and productivity within your organization, as well as staff retention. It’s also a cost-effective solution for businesses.

Staff who are trained are more likely to stay with you long term, which saves you money when compared with investing in new staff every time someone leaves. This is why training is so fundamental for ensuring your business can scale up, without worrying about losing good staff members along the way.


Choose the Right Type of Training

Apprenticeships are the best form of staff training. It combines on-the-job learning with one-on-one mentorship, allowing your employees to learn your systems and processes, while also providing new perspectives on your business.

Apprenticeships are an increasingly popular method of providing employees with on-the-job training, but historically they have been under-utilised as many believe the schemes are just for new starters.

Using apprenticeship training means your team are completing a nationally-recognised qualification which has been crafted by leading industry experts and professional bodies. If you choose staff training from a training provider that simply crafts its own courses, the knowledge may be out of date or inadequate for modern challenges.

The apprenticeships scheme is continuously updated, and courses at NTG Training are even led by tutors who have decades of experience from previous careers within those industries.


Staff Value Employers Who Offer Training

It’s important to think about how training can bring value and enrichment to your staff. A simple day course can actually be a source of dread for your team – what can be worse that sitting in a chilly classroom, watching a boring presentation?

Apprenticeships are different. They offer continuous learning from a diverse and thorough course. Learners will be engaged with interactive and interesting learning, and will then be able to take that knowledge away and apply it to their own job role.

This is also the most important aspect for employers. Learners aren’t bombarded with reams of information in one go – their projects and assessments actually need to be actioned within their own company role.


Apprenticeships for Staff Training

The idea of an apprenticeship is not new, but it’s definitely one which has been underrated for too long. Why? Because apprenticeships are a cost-effective way to train your employees for specific tasks and positions within your business. You can make your business more streamlined, more efficient and more productive without needing to hire new staff – simply train the ones you already have!

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