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Mastering The Instagram Algorithm – A 2022 Guide For Businesses

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What exactly is the Instagram Algorithm?

The Instagram algorithm is a ‘formula’ that the app uses to determine what content they show to users.

The idea is to show users the most interesting and engaging content specifically for them, so that they enjoy and spend more time on the app.

How is the Instagram Algorithm Determined?

Each part of the Instagram app uses different elements and data to determine which posts will be engaging for their users, but they can include:

  • Whether the post is a photo or video.
  • Whether you have a history of engaging with that account.
  • What other posts the users has recently engaged with.
  • Hashtags, time posted, rate of engagement and more!

What's Included In This Instagram Algorithm Guide?

In this guide we discuss:

  • What are the various types of Instagram algorithm that determine content across feeds?
  • So what factors do I need to consider to appear in my follower’s default feeds?
  • What is post ‘meta data’ and why is it important?
  • How to use interaction and networking on Instagram to make your content more visible.
  • What effect does user intent have on how well my content performs?
  • How does the Instagram Reels algorithm work?
  • How do I ensure more of my followers get to view the Instagram Stories I post?

And much more! In fact, why not enjoy this short snippet below before you download your copy?

What are the Home Feed Algorithms on Instagram?

The feed is your homepage as soon as you open the app. Using the dropdown in the top left, you can choose from three feeds:

The Default Feed

This is what users are presented with as standard, it includes content from accounts they are following as well as content from recommended accounts.

The 'Following' Feed

This is content only from account the user is following, sorted chronologically.

The 'Favourites' Feed

This is content curated by accounts the user has ‘favourited’.

Although it’s important to tailor your content for all of these feeds, remember most users don’t even know that the option exists to deviate from the standard default feed!

So what factors do I need to consider to appear in my follower's default feeds?

Post Meta Data

You posts meta data includes some of the core metrics such as whether it is a photo or a video, when it was posted, and how much it was interacted or ‘engaged’ with – and how quickly that engagement happened.

Conquer the Meta Algorithm:

  • Instagram is boosting the reach of VIDEO at the moment to compete with the likes of TikTok, so post lots of great video content.
  • Post 30-45 minutes before your target market or followers are most likely to be using the app. You can check your account’s analytics to work this out – or keep track of when your competitor’s best performing posts went live!
  • Use the first few words of your post text to capture attention and engage – give people a reason to tap to read the rest of your post.
  • Always include a reason to leave a comment – ask a question, ask followers to share their recommendations, or to tag their friends.
  • Always include a call to action – suggest people follow your account for further posts ‘like this’ or a ‘part 2’.
  • Images should be punchy or emotive in order to capture attention. Don’t include too much text or overwhelming detail.

Download Your Free 'Mastering The Instagram Algorithm' Guide For Businesses

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